立音樂表演藝術大學師從Valentin Erben 學習大提琴,師從Detlev Müller-Siemens學習作曲,並取得雙碩士學位,而且還加入ECMA歐洲室內樂研究院師從Johannes Meissl 學習室內樂。此外,Piotr Skweres還曾經師從愛默生四重奏團、阿班貝爾格絃樂四重奏團、德國著名作曲家Jörg Widmann學習。
作為Apollon Musagete Quartet的一名成員(2008年9月贏得德國慕裡黑ARD榮譽大賽第一名及幾乎所有特別獎項),Piotr Skweres幾乎在歐美所有著名音樂廳演出過,包括柏林愛樂樂團,倫敦哈梅林音樂廳、阿姆斯特丹音樂廳、維也納金色大廳和蘇黎世音樂廳、紐約卡耐基大廳、華盛頓國會圖書館等。另外,他曾經受邀在石荷州音樂節、盧塞恩節、奧地利舒伯特音樂節等多個世界著名音樂節演出。除了室內樂演出,Piotr Skweres還曾與英國廣播交響樂團、德累斯頓交響樂團以及來自德國、奧地利、波蘭、匈牙利等多地的交響樂團合作演出。
Piotr Skweres 所作作品曾在維也納金色音樂廳、慕尼克大力神廳、廣州大劇院、紐約的燈塔劇院等多個不同國家的著名音樂廳演奏,並被奧地利多普林格出版社出版。 此外,他的作品曾多次在奧地利、德國廣播電臺播放, 並受Decca, Oehms Classics and Neos等多家唱片公司邀請燒錄CD。2009年,他的第一支絃樂四重奏樂團受委託在維也納國際海頓室內樂比賽中演出。
作為室內樂演奏家,Piotr Skweres協同Tori Amos完成名叫“ 夜晚獵人”的DG德意志唱片專輯,並常與 Angelika Kirchschlager, Gabriela Montero, Jörg Widmann, Hagai Shaham, Martin Fröst等多名知名音樂家合作,他的演出被幾乎所有歐洲國家的廣播電臺及電視臺播放。
Piotr Skweres was born in 1980 in Warsaw, Poland. He studied cello with Valentin Erben at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he received his Master’s Degree in Art. He also studied composition at the same University with Detlev Müller-Siemens as well as chamber music with Johannes Meissl at the European Chamber Music Academy. Additionally Piotr Skweres improved his music knowledge by attending lessons with Emerson String Quartet, Alban Berg Quartet, Jörg Widmann, Anner Bylsma and many others.
As a member of the Apollon Musagete Quartet (1st Prize at the ARD Music Competition in Munich, 2008) he performed at nearly all renowned concert halls in Europe including the Berlin Philharmonic, the Wigmore Hall in London, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Vienna Musikverein and Tonhalle Zurich. He also performed at the Carnegie Hall in New York, the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. and participated in festivals such as the Schleswig Holstein Music Festival, the Luzern Festival and Schubertiade Schwarzenberg. In addition to his chamber music performances he gave solo concerts with the BBC Symphony Orchestra in London, the Dresden Philharmonic and other German, Austrian, Polish and Hungarian orchestras.
The compositions written by Piotr Skweres were performed in the most European Countries, the USA and the People’s Republic of China at such concert halls as Konzerthaus and Musikverein in Vienna, the Hercules Hall in Munich, the Concert Hall in Guangzhou, the Beacon Theatre in New York. Additionally, selected works by Piotr Skweres were broadcasted by Austrian and German state radio stations and released by the German label Genuin Classics. His compositions have also been published by the Austrian Doblinger Publishing House. His first string quartet was performed as the commissioned composition by the participants of the International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition in Vienna, 2009.
As a member of the Apollon Musagete Quartet, Piotr Skweres recorded CDs for Decca, Oehms Classics and Neos. He cooperated with Tori Amos in recording her Deutsche Grammophon album “Night Hunters”. As a chamber music performer Piotr Skweres also collaborated with Angelika Kirchschlager, Gabriela Montero, Jörg Widmann, Hagai Shaham, Martin Fröst, to name a few. His performances were broadcasted by almost all important European broadcasting stations and numerous TV stations.