大师课 | 2014香港-国际弦乐公开赛

大师课 | 2014香港-国际弦乐公开赛

Ernst Kovacic
Professor of Violin at the University of Music and Performing Arts,
Vienna Former Artistic Director of Vienna Chamber Orchestra,
Artistic director of the Leopoldinum Chamber Orchesta in Warsaw, Poland.

Dewar Zienkowski
former member of the Berlin Philharmonic;former concert master of the WDR orchestra in Cologne;Professor of violin at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Alexander Gebert
Professor of Cello at the Hochschule fuer Musik, Detmold;former member of Altenbergtrio.

Piotr Szumiel
德國德累斯頓高等音樂學院;Apollon Musagete四重奏團中提琴手。
lecturer of Viola at the Hochschule fuer Musik, Dresden;violist of Apollon Musagete Quartet.

Piotr Skweres
國際跨國文化交流協會創辦人之一; Apollon Musagete四重奏團大提琴手。
founder of Ex post Verein Ex post ;cellist of Apollon Musagete Quartet.