因为这层关系,我把《西施组曲》的大提琴独奏版与中提琴独奏版演奏视频分别传了给他们。朴诗媛回我“Nice Work”两个字。Mr. Yehudayan则回我一帖:“Wow. That’s great music, very exciting to listen to and I’m sure to play as well. I like how you put the story so one understands what’s happening at every moment. Bravo! It was great seeing you at the competition and please do keep in touch. ”把它翻成中文,大意是: “哗!这是好音乐,听起来很刺激。我喜欢你为每一段音乐都打上故事字幕,很棒!很高兴在这个比赛中遇到你,请保持联络。”
因為這層關系,我把《西施組曲》的大提琴獨奏版與中提琴獨奏版演奏視頻分別傳了給他們。樸詩媛回我「Nice Work」兩個字。Mr. Yehudayan則回我一帖:「Wow. That』s great music, very exciting to listen to and I』m sure to play as well. I like how you put the story so one understands what』s happening at every moment. Bravo! It was great seeing you at the competition and please do keep in touch. 」把它翻成中文,大意是: 「嘩!這是好音樂,聽起來很刺激。我喜歡你為每一段音樂都打上故事字幕,很棒!很高興在這個比賽中遇到你,請保持聯絡。」