他1979年曾经在重庆市开过小提琴独奏音乐会。1997年及2004年在四川音乐学院、2000年在重庆,曾经开过本人作品音乐会。其后每年均有作品在作品在中国国内、香港或世界各地上演。如2004年有十首小提琴曲参加在加拿大温哥华举行的“中国小提琴独奏作品音乐会”中演出,协奏曲《川江》的小提琴与交响乐队版在“中国交响乐百年展演”中2008年由厦门爱乐乐团演出,2011年有六首小提琴曲在瑞士锡永演艺学院上演,2014年美国三藩市交响乐团演出他改编的《十面埋伏》(小提琴与交响乐队), 2015年美国(芝加哥)斯特拉地瓦利小提琴协会年会由中国中央音乐学院年轻副教授高参演出他的协奏曲《川江》(钢琴协奏版),等等。
2012年由中国科技文化音像出版社出版的《川江》(Yangtze River)——杨宝智小提琴作品专辑CD包含了他的协奏曲《川江》小提琴和管弦乐队版,他的大部分小提琴独奏曲,以及《三重奏》和交响组曲《大凉山印象》的两个乐章。
The renowmed violinist Professor Yang Baozhi excels in the fields of violin performance, composition, music education, and violin teaching. He was admitted to Central Conservatory of Music in 1952, where he studied under the tutelage of president Ma Sicong and other famous violinists. After graduation in 1957, he joined Chongqing Opera House and started his career as a performer and a conductor. Since 1978, he was assumed teaching positions at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Central Conservatory of Music and Sichuan Conservatory of Music. After retirement in 1997,he resides in Hongkong and continues his contribution to music.
Research on a sophisticated combination of the art of violin and the Chinese traditional music culture, Professor Yang has composed and arranged a number of violin solos, including the signature pieces The Joy of Reunion, Moon Over Mountain Pass, Prelude(Xipi Sanban) and Fugue in Beijing Opera Style(unaccompaniment) , and Ambush from All Sides, ,all of them have been included in his compilation entitled Selected Chinese Violin Solos published by Central Conservatory of Music Press in 2006. In 2007, ten of these selected works were recorded on DVD (Playing on My Precious Violin) and published by the Stradivari Society in Chicago,the United States. Professor Yang’s other works, such as Concerto< the Yangtze River> ,Violin and Sanxian Duet Introduction and Fugue, and Trio for Violin, `Cello and Piano, Piano Quintet Sketch on the Countrysides have also been performed worldwide or recorded on CD by Chinese Virtuosos.
An active writer of violin teaching materials with publications like On Professor Lin Yaoji’s Pedagogy of Violin, Professor Yang has presented a number of these on the art of string music and Co-authored the book Art History of String Music and the opera Torch Festival.